Many of you know, I’ve been fostering rescue dogs this year. I also traveled to Africa for a volunteer mission trip with Matanya’s Hope over the summer before going on a safari vacation...
Whenever I love something like a recipe, a song, an item of clothing, I can’t seem to get enough of it. Lately, I’ve been making this kale salad over and over.
It’s Halloween time! Do you like to dress up? Every year, I surf the internet for ideas, to be led to sites like with skimpy Wonder Woman outfits or this year...
Many of you know, I love to share good recipes I learn from the Grace Marie at Bristol Farms monthly cooking class. In my most recent class I attended, I watched the creation of Jambalaya!
When my friend (Iliana) first told me we were going to a place where we’d lay in bed and sweat for an hour under extreme heat, I said, “Uh, no thanks. I’ll wait for you in the lobby...
Hey guys! I’ve been away for a while. I have so much on my mind about my past month in Africa from both my mission trip with Matanya’s Hope and my family’s vacation in Kenya.
I know it’s summer, but this bone broth craze is still going strong. Have you tried it? It’s super easy and good for you. Make this bone broth to improve your health!
Saving shelter dogs – do you ever think about it? Most people don’t. Until recently, I didn’t. Lani lives a few houses away from me so I see her often around my neighborhood. A few...