My favorite things in February consist of stuff that makes my life easier. Easier to maintain a quick but effective beauty regimen, easier to see while not looking like a middle aged nerd, easier to...
Many years ago for Christmas, my husband bought me white towels. I remember opening them and being speechless. Speechless because I couldn’t believe of all the things in the world, how he...
A letter from my dead mom? That’s what I asked myself when I first flipped through the stack of mail I’d just pulled from the mailbox, finding the envelope.
It looks like 2021 will be a year of testing our patience. The pandemic is still raging and everyone is at home. People are dying for connection, for moments to live, for laughter and love, and...
Happy 2021! How are you doing? It is Sunday and my first full week back from taking a much needed vacation after Holiday jewelry season for my jewelry business, Ounce of Salt Jewelry.
Are you guys in full Christmas/Holiday mode yet? About this time of year, I host my annual cookie baking day/night where my neighbor friends come over for an all day and evening bake-fest to make...
It looks like masks will be part of our daily lives for a while. No matter how we feel about them, we need them if we want to go out in public. Masks protect us from spreading Covid. But, they have...
Once Halloween hits, time seems to speed up double-time. We blink, and it’s Thanksgiving! My friend, Janiece, has 2 easy Thanksgiving Dinner ideas to wow your family and guests this year! And...
Who did some stress eating last week? So much nail biting anxiety with the election craze! It’s now time to take a breath and push the reset button to get back to as “normal” as we...
Being trapped in the house this year, we can use all the home decor excitement we can get! Who’s with me? Janiece Cotrell purchased and styled a bar cart for my home that made me giddy...
I am not closely monitoring my diet on My Fitness Pal like I used to as now I’m in the maintenance mode phase. I’ve gained back a lb or 2, but for the most part, I’ve been able to...
A post from my dear friend, Janiece Cotrell, who I admire for her skills to make a house a HOME. Check out these quick ideas to get the October feeling!
Do you know the basic rules for jewelry sizing? I’ve summarized the simple rules of thumb to remember when choosing sizes for your rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings.
I guess Halloween is canceled this year. There may be no trick or treating, but I’m still going to have fun! We can’t stop living life. Even if you’re just dressing up at home with...
You’re hyper-alert about COVID, but how about your heart? Have you had a heart-health screening in the last few years, or ever? If not, it is time to make an appointment.