Guys, one of the silver linings of COVID-19? I am cooking more often! And not being in a rush to do so has made my dishes taste quite tasty! My family has been raving about my latest, so I had to...
I’m not gonna lie. This week has been harder for me than previous quarantine weeks. I’ve been keeping myself on a schedule to keep things moving, but the last few days, I’m just...
Guys, I don’t talk about my husband much on my blog, but he’s a surgeon. A weight loss surgeon who has done over 3000 weight loss surgeries over his career so far and is top in his field...
Guys, I came to the US from South Korea when I was 6. My friends call me a twinkie, a banana, all the things that say I’m white on the inside, and yellow on the outside! Ha!
When I started my jewelry business a year and a half ago, I told myself I’d document my journey to look back on. I have a new office/store (by appointment only) in my hometown of...
By Andrea Krohn
When Jen asked me to write a blog for her Ounce of Salt Website, I thought what? No, I can’t. I detest writing. I’m terrible at it.
Ok guys. It’s time to stop the Netflix binge and get back to life. Some of you may be pulling your hair out from feeling cooped up due to the quarantine. I hope you’re safe and feeling...
This post is sponsored by Invitae and SHE Media. Amidst all the concerns caused by coronavirus, please don’t forget about taking care of the rest of your body. Here’s a sponsored post I wrote...
How often do you refresh your make up? Me- I am a creature of habit and get the same products over and over again. I think I’ve used the same make up for 15 years!l
Hello, hello, guys! I had a guest spot on a podcast called Nomad Moda with Deena Danielle and would love for you to have a listen!
I discuss coming into my own after turning 40.
Superbowl’s over…which means Valentine’s Day is around the corner! What do you think about helping your friends shower love to the important people in their lives? And in the process, you can visit...
I entered the Jewelry industry to make buying fine jewelry easier for the consumer. As I’ve written before, the fine jewelry industry comes with layers of deception and sales practices that can...
Have you seen posts on my blog that have to do with entertaining? I couldn’t execute them without the help of my friend and party planning extraordinaire, Julie. She is usually one of the main...
I was reading a post on Facebook yesterday where a friend discussed how every week, the neighborhood moms meet in an alley to buy a week’s worth of prepared Korean food from a woman’s car...
I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for a great quick-meal I can make at home that tastes delicious but doesn’t take me hours to prepare. The following perfect quick meal...